Advice Line

Who is it for?

This activity is suitable for All ages.

This activity is suitable for All genders.

What is this service?

The Fairleigh Hospice advice line is for anyone who is affected by life-limiting illness or bereavement and living in mid Essex and any health professional involved with a person affected by life-limiting illness, with their permission.

It gives them access to a member of the hospice team who can provide them with advice on symptoms, nursing care and other needs relating to life-limiting illness. They can also signpost to other services where necessary.

The line is open 7 days a week 8am-8pm.

Find out more

When does this take place?

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Connect me now

Connect me now

Get in touch

Farleigh Hospice


01245 457300

01245 455478 - Advice Line

Where can I access it?

This activity does not have a specific location.

Good to know

